How to Successfully RV with Teens

How to Successfully RV with Teens

Mar 06, 2015 Tanisha Mitchell Comments Disabled
How to Successfully RV with Teens

Taking cross country RV trips with the whole family can be a fun experience, but as the kids get older, their interests change and it can become a bit more difficult to hold their interest. Sights and stories they once were excited to see and hear may no longer suit their evolving tastes, and their need for independence could begin to become apparent. To successfully deal with these changes that arrive when children turn into teens, it’s necessary to alter your traveling plans/routines to bring spark back to your family RV trips. Follow these tips next time you’re on the road with your teens and discover new ways to spend quality time with your family.

Include Teens in Planning

When planning your next RV trip, allow your teens to have a say in what you do and see as a family. By considering their input, you can find common ground and also try out new activities that everyone can enjoy. Whether it’s snowboarding, biking, hiking or geocaching, there are plenty of ways to make new memories with your family.

RVing with Friends

Sometimes all a teen really needs to have is a friend that can enjoy an RV trip with them. By allowing them to bring a friend once and awhile, they’ll be less likely to get bored and have someone to enjoy special experiences with. Group camping trips with other families is also a good way to connect and keep your teens occupied.

Game/Movie Nights

Game nights and movie nights are always a great way to enjoy time with your family. Make sure you pick out new games and movies as a family before your next trip in order to make these nights fun for everyone.

Give them Space

Teens often need their own space and one good way to give it to them while on a trip is by allowing them to pitch a tent outside the RV. This way they’ll be able to enjoy some personal space and get to truly experience the outdoors.


Regardless of how old you are, it’s always fun to sit around the campfire. You can bond with your teens by asking them about their day, telling stories or just roasting marshmallows as a family. This quality time is something they’ll always remember.

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