Tips for Setting Up a Remote Work Space in Your RV

Tips for Setting Up a Remote Work Space in Your RV

Apr 20, 2020 Randy Lancaster Comments Disabled
Tips for Setting Up a Remote Work Space in Your RV



Living in an RV is an excellent way to see the world while maintaining a budget. Many individuals, to live this lifestyle, often work remotely from their RVs. Some steps can be taken to set up a great space to work from your RV.

1. Make a Dedicated Space

It is essential to make a space that can be dedicated to working in your office, just as you would an office at home or an office at a workplace. You could use a fold-down desk or even the table in your RV. Make the space as private as possible so that you can focus on what you have to accomplish.

2. Gather the Essentials

Most remote jobs require you to at least have a laptop. Many will require you to have more than this, however. Make sure you have everything you need available in your RV to make your workflow as smooth as possible. Some essential supplies may include headphones, storage, surge protectors, chargers, and more.

3. Maintain Connection

Make sure you have methods to stay in contact with co-workers, customers, or employers. Have a phone in which individuals can reach you with you at all times. Set up a hotspot or an internet supplier to make sure you have the most reliable service possible to ensure that you are available to stay in communication.

4. Keep Things Safe

No matter the technology you utilize, it is vital to keep it as safe as possible. If you use a laptop for your remote work, have a location to store it within the RV to keep it safe from theft. If you have an extra monitor or a desktop set up, make sure it is secured to the wall so that when traveling, it does not become damaged.

5. Organizational Strategies

Despite working from an RV remotely, you have to have space to keep your office supplies and other critical files. There is not much room in an RV, however, to store things on the ground. Consider storing these supplies in a hanging wall organizer to keep supplies off of the ground and within easy access.

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